Suchen Sie nach Informationen zu Wahlkampfhauptquartier Von Gouverneur Rick Perry? Folgen Sie den Links unten, um alle Informationen zu finden, die Sie benötigen, und mehr.
Plenty of people -- members of Congress, former top White House aides -- come out looking bad in the more than 2,000 texts sent and received by Trump chief of staff Mark Meadows between Election ...
Apr 26, 2022, 07:10 AM EDT. Rick Perry was hoisted with his own petard text message. Perry, a Republican former Texas governor and Trump White House energy secretary, previously denied CNN reports that in the days after the 2020 election he sent text messages to then-Trump White House chief of staff Mark Meadows with ideas for overturning ...
Marcus Luttrell with former governor Rick Perry and former Texas first lady Anita Perry at the Texas capitol on May 5, 2016. Bob Daemmrich/Alamy. “He was …
Former Texas Governor and Trump Energy Secretary Rick Perry. George W. Bush told Mitt Romney that he thought Rick Perry was dumber than he was. "People thought I was dumb," Bush said. "Well, wait ...
Der frühere Gouverneur von Texas Rick Perry soll Energieminister im Kabinett Donald Trumps werden. Trump bestätigte entsprechende Medienberichte vom Vortag.P...
Le nouveau favori des sondages pour les primaires républicaines, le gouverneur du Texas Rick Perry, s'est rendu mercredi 14 septembre à l'Université de la Li...
Texas-Gouverneur Rick Perry wirbelt republikanisches Kandidatenfeld durcheinander. Er wird zum Herausforderer für den Favoriten Mitt Romney.
Nach George W. Bush will wieder ein konservativer texanischer Gouverneur ins Weiße Haus einziehen.
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