Suchen Sie nach Informationen zu Wada Doping Hauptquartier? Folgen Sie den Links unten, um alle Informationen zu finden, die Sie benötigen, und mehr.
WADA continues to strengthen its presence in the city, having already increased its total workforce more than tenfold since 2002. World Anti-Doping Agency. Place Victoria, 800, rue du Square-Victoria, bureau 1700. Montréal (Québec) H4Z 1B7 Canada. +1.514.904.9232.
The Anti-Doping Education and Learning Platform (ADEL) is the central hub for WADA’s eLearning courses and education resources. ADEL supports the anti-doping community by providing training solutions for athletes, their support personnel and other stakeholders. Launch ADEL. This link will open in a new window.
If your inquiry is related to the submission of whereabouts information or athlete user accounts, please direct your enquiry to your relevant anti-doping organization ( National Anti-Doping Organization or International Federation ). For technical support, please contact the ADAMS Helpdesk: North America: 1 866 922 3267. International: +1 514 ...
According to the World Anti-Doping Code, the athlete has the opportunity to explain how a prohibited substance entered his/her body during the results management and/or the hearing phase of their case. WADA is working closely with specific countries, International Federations and event organizers to help minimize the risk of meat contamination.
WADA’s primary role is to develop, harmonize and coordinate anti-doping rules and policies across all sports and countries. Our key activities include: ensuring and monitoring effective implementation of the World Anti-Doping Code and its related International Standards; scientific and social science research; education; intelligence and ...
Anti-Doping Process. Doping control (testing) is one tool that Anti-Doping Organizations (ADOs) use to level the playing field and protect clean sport. If you are competing at the national or international level, you are subject to doping control and can be tested anytime or anywhere. You can be tested by relevant National Anti-Doping ...
Anti-Doping Statistics. WADA publishes statistical reports summarizing the information received from anti-doping organizations (ADOs) and WADA-accredited laboratories. As part of our role in promoting transparency, and in accordance with Article 14.4 (Statistical Reporting) of the World Anti-Doping Code, the following reports are produced ...
List of laboratories around the world accredited by WADA to conduct human doping control sample analyses. Download options. Available in 2 languages. Languages English; French; Download This link will open in a new window. Back to top Footer. Anti-Doping Administration & Management System (ADAMS) ...
The World Anti-Doping Agency’s (WADA) Prohibited List is the comprehensive document serving as the international standard for identifying substances and methods prohibited in sport. Mandated by, and serving as a key component of, the Code, the Prohibited List is one of the most important parts of harmonization globally across the anti-doping ...
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