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We will analyze every aspect of your business and create a backup plan so that you can keep running 24/7. Phones, Software, Wiring, and More Whether you need to upgrade outdated equipment, manage vendors, or troubleshoot network traffic, we make it happen. Our full-service shop has everything we need to take care of your business.
Computer Associates pushed aggressively into foreign markets, notably Canada and Japan, and overseas sales accounted for 40 to 45 percent of annual revenues. CA became more flexible in pricing its annual maintenance fees for updating and troubleshooting software. These fees comprised 33 percent of revenues, up from 20 percent four years earlier.
Company Description: COMPUTER ASSOCIATES CORP S A S is located in BOGOTA, D.C., Colombia and is part of the Electronic and Precision Equipment Repair and Maintenance Industry. COMPUTER ASSOCIATES CORP S A S has 1 total employees across all of its locations and generates $70,000 in sales (USD). (Sales figure is modelled).
Computer Associates, Inc. provides software solutions. The Company offers enterprise resource planning and manufacturing execution systems. Computer Associates serves clients in …
Computer Associates Pvt. Ltd. is an unlisted private company incorporated on 02 June, 1992. It is classified as a private limited company and is located in Bhubaneswar, Orissa. It's authorized share capital is INR 10.00 lac and the total paid-up capital is INR 8.38 lac. The current status of Computer Associates Pvt. Ltd. is - Active.
Computer Associates Pvt. Ltd.'s Corporate Identification Number is (CIN) U74140OR1992PTC003082 and its registration number is 3082.Its Email address is and its registered address is PLOT NO.361/2323 JAYADEVVIHAR BHUBANESWAR OR 751013 IN , - , . Current status of Computer Associates Pvt. Ltd. is - Active. …
(06151) 949-600 Öffnungszeiten Hier finden Sie die Öffnungszeiten von CA COMPUTER ASSOCIATES GmbH in Darmstadt. Änderung vorschlagen Öffnungszeiten können aktuell …
Unternehmenszentrale von Beckhoff USA, in Savage, Minnesota, teil. Photo credit: Rod Andrew Wilson. Title: Neubau von 4000 m² stellt die Weichen für weiteres Wachstum Author: Subject: Nordamerikanische Beckhoff-Tochter …
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