Suchen Sie nach Informationen zu Unternehmensbüros Der California Lottery? Folgen Sie den Links unten, um alle Informationen zu finden, die Sie benötigen, und mehr.
New Scratchers Are Here! $2 - Electric 8's: This game offers a chance at a supercharged prize of up to $20,000! $3 - Money Ball: Have a ball with this carnival-inspired game, which lets you roll with multiple ways to play and win. $5 - $250,000 Payout: Bring on the play with up to 18 chances to win and a top payout of $250,000!
Lottery District Offices. If you have any questions, just call the Lottery’s Customer Service Department at 1-800-LOTTERY (1-800-568-8379) TDD: 855-591-5776, Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., and we’ll be happy to help you. California State Lottery Corporate Headquarters are at 700 North 10th Street, Sacramento, CA 95811.
The Lottery was created by a ballot measure, Proposition 37, which was approved by 58 percent of voters on Nov. 6, 1984. The Lottery Act gave the Lottery a clear mission: to provide supplemental funding for public schools and colleges. Website Contact. General Information: 800-568-8379. Hearing Impaired: 855-591-5776.
Lottery Retailers qualified as “lucky” by meeting one or more of the criteria below during calendar year 2018: Sold at least one $100,000 or higher winning ticket. Paid out an average of 400 winning tickets per week. Paid out an average of $4,000 in winning tickets. per week. Use Search Box at left to find a Lucky Retailer near you!
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