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UNICEF works in over 190 countries and territories to save children's lives, to defend their rights, and to help them fulfil their potential, from early childhood through adolescence. And we never give up. Discover UNICEF's work for every child, everywhere. Child protection. Child survival. Education.
It is headquartered in New York City, United States. The United Nations General Assembly formed it in 1946. During this time, UNICEF used to be called the United Nations Children Fund. Its primary purpose was to provide healthcare and food to the needy children and mothers in third world countries. This organization was created immediately ...
United Nations Visitor Centre in New York. United Nations Headquarters is NOW OPEN to the public for in-person guided tours.Pre-booked ticket(s) and proof of …
The United Nations is an international organization founded in 1945, that provides a forum for its members to express their views and to take action on the major issues confronting humanity ...
The United Nations is headquartered in Midtown Manhattan, New York City, United States, in a complex designed by a board of architects led by Wallace Harrison and built by the architectural firm Harrison & Abramovitz, with final projects developed by Oscar Niemeyer and Le Corbusier.The complex has served as the official headquarters of the United Nations since its …
THE UNITED NATIONS IN VIENNA. United Nations Office at Vienna (UNOV) International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO PrepCom) United Nations Office for ...
Das Kinderhilfswerk der Vereinten Nationen (ursprünglich: englisch United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund, seit 1953: United Nations Children’s Fund, UNICEF) ist eine Sonderorganisation der Vereinten Nationen und fungiert als eine ihrer entwicklungspolitischen Organe.Sie wurde am 11. Dezember 1946 gegründet, zunächst um Kindern in Europa nach dem …
Das United Nations Hauptquartier in New York Hauptquartier der Vereinten Nationen Um an einer geführten Tour durch die UN-Gebäude teilzunehmen, begibt man sich zum Besucherzentrum zwischen dem Secretariat Building und dem großen Sitzungssaal, dem sogenannten General Assembly, in dem bis zu 1.800 Politiker Platz finden.
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