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The Associate Membership is a way for a surviving spouse, family member or general supporter of the United Mine Workers to become part of the movement to restore fairness, justice and dignity for working families. Click here to learn more! More ›. @BrendaOf6 @Ben_McRea Oh yes there is. $11 billion for abandoned mine cleanup, hiring preference ...
United Mine Workers of America. 18354 Quantico Gateway Drive Suite 200 Triangle, VA 22172 703.291.2400. [email protected] ©2022 United Mine Workers of America.
The UMWA is achieving significant success in providing workers with a voice on the job and financial security at home. Because of the union’s long-term emphasis on safety, UMWA members work in the safest environments in their respective industries. The UMWA continues the fight we began in 1890 for safe workplaces, good wages and benefits, and ...
District 12. 1285 Island Ford Road Madisonville, KY [email protected] 270-821-2774 270-821-9438 (fax) Sub-district offices. Benton, IL: 618-439-7225
If you are a UMWA member and have a safety concern at your workplace, or if you want to become a UMWA member, look at the map below to find out which Regional Office you should contact. Region 1. Michael “Biggin” Payton. Director, Region 1. 135 Wayland Smith Drive, Uniontown, PA 15401. 724-550-4440. 724-550-4402 (fax)
International Headquarters – President’s Office PRESIDENT’S OFFICE Oversees all administrative and operational activities of the union. Department Head: Phil Smith, Executive Assistant to the President/Chief of Staff, 703-291-2420 ORGANIZING The Organizing Department bolsters the UMWA’s future with an innovative and proactive organizing strategy with an intimate approach. …
One of the most monumental UMWA strikes took place in 1989, which involved 50,000 in 11 states, using civil disobedience and acts of non-violence to preserve the health care and retirees for workers across the Nation. It is known as the Pittston Strike and its 30 th anniversary was celebrated in June 2019.
Mission. The UMWA Health and Safety Department works to prevent injury, death, and occupational illnesses from harming our members at work. From its inception in 1890, the United Mine Workers of America has consistently demanded that Congress enact and improve health and safety legislation in order to constantly improve safety at the workplace.
Funds' Call Center: (800) 291-1425 Pharmacy: (800) 294-4741 Precertification: (800) 292-2288 Provider Services Claims: (888) 865-5290 Main Administration Number: (202) 521-2201 Field Service Office Locations
The United Mine Workers of America Building is an historic building at 900 Fifteenth St. NW in the Downtown neighborhood of Washington, D.C. Built in 1912 as the home of the University Club, a private social club, it was from 1936 to 1999 as the international headquarters of the United Mine Workers.Under the leadership of John L. Lewis, the union played a major role in improving …
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