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pjknibbs wrote:Do note that the ship is destroyed by the reverse engineering process, so you'll be missing your ship for however long it takes to reverse engineer plus however long it takes to build a new one (I think these are the same times).Also note that the ship you get from building a reverse engineered blueprint is a completely basic version with no cargo, weapons, shields, …
My TL is docked at spacelab and it has a Solar Station L in his cargo. How to reverse engineering this station (and later the upgrade kits for stations) ? Is there a way ?
hey guys, i got a odd question. does reverse engineering work? in x3? i never bothered with station building n such, this is my 1st try this time around but the RE is on 00:00:01 and doesn't move and the ship is a n00b ship (m5) according to wiki it should take the same time to RE it as to build it. what is said to be 3mins and mine has not started. any ideas?
If the software upgrades don't get reverse engineered, I'll put those M3's and M6's I plan to sell into storage and transfer the upgrades when the new ships get built. I'm guessing that like weapons and missiles, the software upgrades aren't part of the reverse engineering but I …
However, no matter the context, there are three general steps common to all reverse-engineering efforts. They include: Information extraction. The object being reverse-engineered is studied, information about its design is extracted and that information is examined to determine how the pieces fit together.
I do know that you cannot reverse engineer a ship that has ships docked at it. If any ship is docked at the target ship, you need to undock them first before the game lets you proceed. EDIT: Oh! I remember now. You cannot reverse engineer Kha'ak ships in AP. Or at least the Kha'ak corvette before 1.1.
A process that was originally applied only to hardware, reverse-engineering is now applied to software, databases and even human DNA. Reverse-engineering is especially important with computer...
Reverse engineering involves the use of CAD files that can be studied for future references. A CAD file is used to examine the production process and find ways to enhance productivity. It helps engineers capture accurate data and save a lot of time. Identification Of Product Vulnerabilities
Reverse engineering spur and helical gearing is both an art and a science. Using the clues provided by the sample gear and the known gear geometry formulas, it is possible to identify pitch of the gear that needs replacement. With this data, the engineer can determine what material and hardness would be best for the new gear.
Im Maschinenbau wird das Reverse-Engineering für verschiedene Aufgaben eingesetzt. Das ist eine direkte Folge der Verfügbarkeit von preisgünstigen 3D-Scannern mit hoher Auflösung – gepaart mit Software, die das Reverse-Engineering immer enger mit …
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