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Q-Centrix Assessment: The blueprint to unlocking value in your enterprise clinical data strategy. Join panelists from CHRISTUS Health and Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center for a discussion on unlocking value in your enterprise clinical data strategy with an assessment.
We use a comprehensive approach called Enterprise Clinical Data Management—eCDM™. A blueprint for quality culture that encompasses the strategy behind improving quality. Complete, high-fidelity, and secure quality data management to support a hospital’s or system’s strategic imperatives. Industry-wide best practices and tools that move ...
Company Description: Q-Centrix LLC is located in Chicago, IL, United States and is part of the Management, Scientific, and Technical Consulting Services Industry. Q-Centrix LLC has 800 total employees across all of its locations and generates $72.33 …
Founded in 2010, Q-Centrix LLC is an IT solutions provider that offers screenings, core measurements, and workflow solutions to transform clinical quality. Q-Centrix LLC is based in Chicago, Illinois. Popular Searches. Q-Centrix LLC. Q-Centrix. QCentrix. Q-Centrix LLC. Revenue. $252.1 M. Employees. 1,200.
Browse our corporate openings. At Q-Centrix, we hire people who love learning, value innovation, and believe in our mission and values to improve outcomes in healthcare. We applaud qualified applicants who are accountable and committed to producing quality work. As an Equal Opportunity Employer, we support and value diversity, dignity, and ...
Free and open company data on Massachusetts (US) company Q-CENTRIX, LLC (company number 001209474), 1 NORTH FRANKLIN, SUITE 1800, CHICAGO, IL, 60606. Learn how to leverage transparent company data at scale. Subscribe to our emails. The Open Database Of The Corporate World. Search. Companies Officers
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