Suchen Sie nach Informationen zu Player Headquarters X3 Reunion? Folgen Sie den Links unten, um alle Informationen zu finden, die Sie benötigen, und mehr.
how do i get the player headquarters in x3 reunion? Top. mystikmind2005 Posts: 1692 Joined: Wed, 14. Jun 06, 08:44. Post by mystikmind2005 » Mon, 8. Mar 10, 03:27 Brian Poarch wrote:how do i get the player headquarters in x3 reunion? See the link here;
Player Headquarters Plot Requirements Completed the Albion Prelude Main Plot, a Teladi Race Rank of ≥5, at least 1 owned station and have found the NMMC (PTNI Headquarters) and PMC (Albion Delta) Headquarters. Chapters Diversification Data Collection The Search For Nividium Defend NMMC Station Payback Clearance Sale Diversification
Below is information about X3 REUNION PLAYER HEADQUARTERS from a variety of sources. Please take a look at the materials that our team has selected for you. Player Headquarters - X3 Wiki (English) - Egosoft …
Player Headquarters From the V2 readme file within the update patch. This new station is the biggest construction you can build in the game and thus it requires a lot of free space to work properly, be careful where you put it! HQ features: 1. Repair Any damaged ship docked at the HQ can be repaired.
490 subscribers Subscribe X3: Reunion is the fourth game to take place in the X-Universe. It picks up right where X2 Left off, with Kyle Brennan in a coma while the Kha'ak continue to attack the...
Player Headquarters Plot (Page 1 of 4) Introduction In this plot you will gain access to the player Headquarters - a unique building which allows you to build your own ships, colour them and store wares. Before X3AP v2.0 there was no way to get your own …
Check the encyclopedia. I don’t remember if you need race rep but it will tell you. I usually stick it in one of the empty sectors near legends home. Remember that the In Game Encyclopaedia can always tell you exactly where everything is sold, as long as you have seen it before (and since you probably have a few M5s scouring the universe ...
The PHQ (player Headquarters), only available in Cloudbase South East, I use for my main base. There I can concentrate all my ships and loot, my boarded ships before I can refit and integrate them into my fleet (or disassemble them for materials). There I can produce ships, reverse engineer them, repair. I can also mass fit ships there.
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