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A chief information officer (CIO) is the company executive responsible for the management, implementation, and usability of …
The Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO) provides leadership to the Department of the Interior (DOI) and its bureaus in all areas of information management and technology. To successfully serve the Department’s multiple missions, the OCIO applies modern IT tools, approaches, systems, and products.
A Chief Information Officer (CIO) is an executive that oversees the information technology (IT) needs of a company. But that doesn’t mean they’re the IT director. In fact, many CIOs are starting to distance themselves from operational responsibilities.
CJ Ritchie is the GCIO for the province of British Columbia. The GCIO has a leadership role in re-engineering government’s business processes and the underpinning IT infrastructures to increase the productive, efficient and valuable use of information. The GCIO also: Manages the IM/IT Capital Investment Program
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