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Russia’s intelligence service has refused to declassify the names of members of Stalin’s notorious three-judge panels that issued death …
NKVD, Moskau, fotografiert von Sergey Duhanin (Духанин Сергей) im Jahr 2007 (ID 78845)
Former NKVD Lubyanka Prison. Second World War (1939-1945) ulitsa Bol'shaya Lubyanka 2, Moskva. Russia Moscow Moskva. This complex served as NKVD headquarters and notorious prison during the Second World War. The NKVD was the secret state police organization of the Soviet Union from 1934 to 1954. German prisoners of war were held here after the war.
It aims to inform the modern Polish consciousness about the NKVD’s Polish Operation – and honour the memory of its victims. On Stalin’s orders. The direct trigger of the Polish Operation was the famous order No. 00485 issued on 11 August 1937 by Nikolaj Yezhov. The real initiator and brain behind the operation was Joseph Stalin.
Ende August 1937 waren 472 deutsche Staatsbürger verhaftet, davon 130 in Moskau und der Moskauer Region. Einige Zahlen der Verhafteten außerhalb ... der NKWD-Zentrale konstruiert, variantenreich kombiniert und nicht näher ... Zur Geschichte der „Deutschen Operation“ des NKVD 1937–1938. In: Hermann Weber, Ulrich Mählert
The Polish Operation of the NKVD (Soviet security service) in 1937–1938 was an anti-Polish mass-ethnic cleansing operation of the NKVD carried out in the Soviet Union against Poles (labeled by the Soviets as "agents") during the period of the Great Purge.It was ordered by the Politburo of the Communist Party against the so-called "Polish spies" and customarily …
Die Lubjanka (russisch Лубянка Aussprache? / i) ist der inoffizielle Name eines am gleichnamigen Platz in Moskau gelegenen Gebäudes. Von 1920 bis 1991 war es das Hauptquartier, das zentrale Gefängnis und das Archiv des sowjetischen Geheimdienstes in Moskau.Heute beherbergt die Lubjanka den russischen Inlandsgeheimdienst FSB.. Außerdem ist Lubjanka der Name eines U …
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