Suchen Sie nach Informationen zu Nec-Hauptsitz Japan? Folgen Sie den Links unten, um alle Informationen zu finden, die Sie benötigen, und mehr.,CEO%20Takayuki%20Morita.%20Management.%20Consolidated%20Revenue%3A%20Major%20Operations
NEC Corporation: Head Office: 7-1, Shiba 5-chome Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-8001 Japan Phone: +81-3-3454-1111 . Map. Established: July 17, 1899: Representative Directors: President and CEO Takayuki Morita Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Osamu Fujikawa. Management. Consolidated Revenue:
NEC head office map. Global Site. Navigation. Products & Solutions; Case Studies; News; About NEC; Contact Us ... Head office; Head office. Address: 7-1, Shiba 5-chome Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-8001 Japan. Phone: +81-3-3454-1111. Route: Tamachi Sta. on JR line. (Exit West) Mita Sta. on Mita Line Toei Subway in Tokyo, Asakusa Line Toei Subway in ...
Contact information of NEC worldwide business activities in North America, Latin America, Europe, Africa, Asia and Oceania. Global Site. Navigation. Products & Solutions; Case Studies ... Tokyo 108-8001 Japan: Telephone +81-3-3454-1111: Korea. NEC Corporation of Korea; Operation:
The NEC Group globally provides "Solutions for Society" that promote the safety, security, fairness and efficiency of society. NEC aims to help solve a wide range of challenging issues and to create new social value for the changing world of tomorrow.
Hauptsitz Iidabashi First Tower Bunkyo-ku, TK 1128560 Japan Telefon: +81 366 997 515
Message from Takayuki Morita, President and CEO (Representative Director), NEC Corporation. Message from the President and CEO. Head office location, representative directors, business size, employee and subsidiary figures. Profile. Comprehensive list of NEC Group contacts and websites by country/region.
The company rebranded itself as NEC Corporation in 1983. It is based in Minato, Tokyo, Japan, and operates on a global basis with more than 100,000 employees. The main products of the company are telecommunications equipment, supercomputers, software, electronics, servers, etc. In 2017, the company was featured on the Fortune 500 list.
2011年(平成23年)7月1日、NECと深圳中航光電子との合弁企業となり、NLTテクノロジーへと商号を変更した。2016年(平成28年)には天馬微電子の完全子会社となり、2017年(平成29年)7月1日、Tianma Japanへと商号変更している。 インターネットサービスプロバイダ
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