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NATO Headquarters is the political and administrative centre of the Alliance. It is located at Boulevard Leopold III in Brussels, Belgium. It offers a venue for representatives and experts from all member countries to consult on a continuous basis, a key part of the Alliance’s consensual decision-making process, and to work with partner countries.
Besucherdienst. Artikel. Die Ständige Vertretung bietet Vorträge über z. B. die Aufgaben und Arbeitsweise der Ständigen Vertretung an. Die Vorträge dauern etwa 60 bis 90 Minuten und sind kostenfrei. Das NATO Hauptquartier ist einige Tage vor und während Treffen der Minister oder Staats- und Regierungschefs nicht für Besucher zugänglich.
Das NATO-Hauptquartier ist der Sitz der politischen und der obersten militärischen Führung der NATO in Brüssel. Es ist zu unterscheiden von nachgeordneten Hauptquartieren der NATO, wie dem ebenfalls bei Brüssel gelegenen Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe .
NATO Administrative Tribunal Contact us. NATO Administrative Tribunal Office of the Registrar – FD 205 Blvd Leopold III B-1110 Brussels. Tel: + 32 (0)2 707 3831. E-mail: [email protected]
The North Atlantic Council decided at the 1999 Washington Summit to replace NATO’s headquarters, which had been in use since 1967. Due to a significant rise in memberships over the years, the organization was relying partially on temporary structures to meet its needs for office space. An ensuing architectural competition was based around the ...
Defence Minister: NATO Headquarters in Sibiu, fully operational in 2024. July 30, 2021 564. The Headquarters of the Multinational Corps South East (HQ MNC-SE) of NATO will be fully operational starting 2024, being moved on July 1 from Bucharest to central Sibiu, announced, on Thursday, Minister of National Defence, Nicolae Ciuca. “We plan in 2024 to declare full …
Welcome to the website of the German Delegation to. NATO. in Brussels! NATO has been vital to security and peace in the Euro-Atlantic Area for more than seventy years. It is also the bedrock of our transatlantic relations. The Alliance is and will remain a …
In der Übung #Steadfast Jupiter 2021 wird die Führungsebene der #NATO gefordert. Das fiktive Szenario: Wie kann verhindert werden, dass es zu einem bewaffnet...
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