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Monday - Friday (9am to 5pm EST) If we don't pick up, it means we are working with other customers. Please leave a message and we will respond promptly. Thank you. (914) 500-2600. Customer Service Email: [email protected].
Colorful and Unique Socks, Clothes, Accessories & Bikes for Girls. All our socks are mismatched for creative kids of all ages.
About LittleMissMatched – Little Miss Matched If you prefer not to receive information from us please let us know by sending your written request via email to [email protected] , or via postal mail to LittleMissMatched LLC, 555 Theodore Fremd Avenue (Suite A300), Rye, NY …
The brand was founded in 2004 with the idea of disrupting the marketplace by reinventing a category. The notion of 3 mismatched socks to a pack was introduced in the North American marketplace to much acclaim. Today, LittleMissMatched is a girls’ lifestyle brand that spans many different product and entertainment categories, however our core ...
What Makes Us Us – Little Miss Matched. $5 AND LESS (Tees-Shorts-Leggings-Gifts) SOCKS. CLOTHES. CRAZY FUN BIKES. BEST SELLING GIFTS. WHAT MAKES US, US!
Reviews from Little Miss Matched employees about Little Miss Matched culture, salaries, benefits, work-life balance, management ... Everyone has high values and the home office is the best corporate office I have ever communicated with. Everyone is professional and efficient. This company is growing and is full of great, motivated, upbeat ...
Reviews from Little Miss Matched employees about Little Miss Matched culture, salaries, benefits, work-life balance, management, job security, and more.
Corporate Office/Business Relations: MissMatched Inc. 307 7th Avenue Suite 501 New York, NY 10001 212.229.1400 You can also asked them via email for which stores carries their items. I already sent them an email, so if I hear from them, I'll let you know. Regards,
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