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Die Dinge, die ich während meinem Kaplan IELTS-Prüfugnsvorbereitungskurs gelernt habe, haben mir geholfen, die IELTS-Prüfung mit einem hohen Resultat abzuschließen. Nach dem Test habe ich mich für Universitäten in Großbritannien beworben und hier bin ich nun. Susanina Vladislava (Bulgarien) Kaplan London.
Kaplan Test Prep offers test preparation, practice tests and private tutoring for more than 90 standardized tests.
Kaplan University has been acquired by Purdue University, creating Purdue University Global, a new public university with more than 180 online programs.Purdue Global makes it possible for adult students to achieve a high-quality education from the respected Purdue University system.
For over 80 years, Kaplan has delivered licensing and designation exam prep, professional development, and continuing education for millions of professionals in a wide range of industries. Choose your preferred path below and set yourself apart. Choose your area of interest.
1-800-818-9128. To contact a student advisor in your region, visit our Kaplan International Education Advisors page which lists local phone numbers. Also, for information about potential corporate or institutional partnerships, contact Kaplan International's U.S. and Canada regional office at 1-800 818 9128 or [email protected].
In some cases, work experience, additional coursework beyond the Kaplan program, fieldwork, and/or background checks may be necessary to be eligible to take or to successfully pass the exams. Pass the bar guaranteed or your money back: Must be a first-time taker from an ABA-approved law school and be enrolled in a Kaplan Bar Review Complete ...
Kaplan’s experience with training corporate employees in the industry gives university students direct access to exam preparation materials that will help them prepare for a successful career. Trust the industry-leading exam prep materials and resources used by working professionals and companies in the accounting, financial services, and ...
Kaplan Login. Kaptest User Login. Email. Password. Forgot your password?
Headquartered in Fort Lauderdale, FL, employees who support Kaplan’s North America division work remotely across the US, UK, and India, as well as at regional hubs in Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, New York, and Wisconsin. Kaplan International. Kaplan’s global businesses provide services to individuals, educational institutions, and ...
Prüfungsvorbereitungs-Trainings. Übersicht über IIK-Trainings zur Prüfungsvorbereitung. Vorbereitungstrainings für Deutsche Sprachprüfungen. ... Ich habe die Datenschutzbestimmungen gelesen und akzeptiere sie. Don't fill this field! Unsere Partner. IIK locations in Germany
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