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Find company research, competitor information, contact details & financial data for General Reinsurance Corp of Philadelphia, PA. Get the latest business insights from Dun & Bradstreet.
GENERAL REINSURANCE CORPORATION was registered on Mar 28 2005 as a foreign profit corporation type with the address 120 Long Ridge Road, Attn: Legal Department, Stamford, CT, 06902, USA. The company id for this entity is 0523712. There are 3 director records in this entity. The agent name for this entity is: C T Corporation System.
Find company research, competitor information, contact details & financial data for General Reinsurance AG of Köln, Nordrhein-Westfalen. Get the latest business insights from Dun & …
General Reinsurance Corp. General Reinsurance Corporation operates as an insurance services firm. The Company provides clients with reinsurance solutions …
In 1994, General Re® formed an alliance with Cologne Re (now General Reinsurance AG). In 1998, Berkshire Hathaway acquired General Re Corporation, our holding company, and in 2003 General Re and Cologne Re began marketing globally under the brand name of Gen Re. In 2009 General Re completed its purchase of Cologne Re, whose name was changed to ...
Formed Through 1921 Merger. General Casualty and Surety Reinsurance Corporation was formed by the 1921 merger of Norwegian Globe and Norwegian Assurance, two insurance companies under the direction of Robert Iberstein. The new company, with Iberstein as president, began operations in New York with a capital fund of $800,000.
General Reinsurance AG - 2020 Annual Report. March 2021 | English. DOWNLOAD PDF.
A.M. Best Affirms Ratings of General Reinsurance Corporation and its Subsidiaries: Apr 30, 2015: A.M. Best Withdraws Ratings of Granada Insurance Company: Jun 17, 2014: A.M. Best Affirms Ratings of General Reinsurance Corporation and Its Subsidiaries: Data pager; 1 2 3. Page size: PageSizeComboBox
General Reinsurance AG. General Reinsurance AG operates as an insurance company. The Company offers property, casualty, life, and health reinsurance services, risk management, underwriting, claims ...
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