Suchen Sie nach Informationen zu Hauptsitz Der Dole Food Company? Folgen Sie den Links unten, um alle Informationen zu finden, die Sie benötigen, und mehr.,responsible%20for%20over%20300%20products%20in%2090%20countries.
Dole plc is an American - Irish agricultural multinational corporation headquartered in Ireland. The company is the largest producer of fruit and vegetables in the world, operating with 74,300 full-time and seasonal employees who are responsible for over 300 products in 90 countries. Dole markets such food items as bananas, pineapples, grapes, strawberries, salads, and other fresh …
James Dole begins growing pineapples in Wahiawa, Oahu and establishes the Hawaiian Pineapple Company. As the company grows, Hawaii, and the “Dole” name, become synonymous with pineapples. 1933 Recognizing the popularity and quality associated with James Dole’s name, the DOLE brand starts appearing on cans of pineapple and pineapple juice. 1961
Company Description: Dole Food Company, Inc. is located in Gulfport, MS, United States and is part of the Vegetable and Melon Farming Industry. Dole Food Company, Inc. has 12 employees at this location. (Employees figure is modelled). There are 309 companies in the Dole Food Company, Inc. corporate family. Key Principal: John Pisciottano See more contacts.
Der Farmcode gibt an, auf welcher Farm die Früchte produziert wurden, die du isst. Gib einfach den 3- oder 5-stelligen Code ein, um herauszufinden, woher deine Früchte stammen, und erfahre mehr über das Land und die Menschen, die die Früchte angebaut und gepflückt haben! Impressum Dole Food Company, Inc.
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