Suchen Sie nach Informationen zu Hauptquartier Wehrmacht Mauersee? Folgen Sie den Links unten, um alle Informationen zu finden, die Sie benötigen, und mehr.
It laid near the 'Mauersee' on both sides of the road from Rastenburg to Angerburg, consisted of some 200 (!) objects ranging from large air-shelters in concrete to lightly constructed buildings in brick on a terrain of app. 250 ha. App. 1500 people worked in the complex incl. some 40 generals. The complex can be divided into three large parts:
The "Quelle" zone has two large air raid bunkers more similar to the large bunkers at the Wolfschanze. In common with many of the Wolfschanze buildings, Bunkers 5 and 6 at Mauerwald, originally of the smaller "V2" and "K5" types, had 2-3 meters of additional concrete added to their walls and roofs in 1944, resulting in huge concrete monoliths on the outside, …
Im Hauptquartier der deutschen Wehrmacht, 1939-1945 by Warlimont, Walter, 1962, Bernard & Graefe edition, in German / Deutsch
Im Hauptquartier der deutschen Wehrmacht, 1939-1945: Grundlagen, Formen, Gestalten Athenaum paperback: Author: Walter Warlimont: Publisher: Bernard & Graefe, 1962: Original from: the University of Michigan: Digitized: Nov 18, 2006: Length: 570 pages : Export Citation: BiBTeX EndNote RefMan
The Wolf’s Lair. The Wolfsschanze / Wolf’s Lair was named after the self-given nickname of Adolf Hitler, Wolf. A Schanze is a temporary independent fortified fieldwork. On 21 June 1941 main constructions were finished and more …
Im Hauptquartier der deutschen... Cite this; Text this; Email this; Print; Export Record. Export to RefWorks; Export to EndNoteWeb; Export to EndNote; Permanent link; Im Hauptquartier der deutschen Wehrmacht, 1939-1945 / Show other versions (1) Bibliographic Details; Main Author: Warlimont, Walter, 1895-Format: Book: Language: German: Published:
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