Suchen Sie nach Informationen zu Hauptquartier Luftwaffenübungsplatz Radom 1939-1944? Folgen Sie den Links unten, um alle Informationen zu finden, die Sie benötigen, und mehr.
About Radom, Poland, Prison Records, 1939-1944. This database contains records for prisoners in, Radom Poland, during the German occupation between 1939 and 1945. While the town had a significant Jewish population before World War II, only about 15 percent of the prisoners in this database are Jewish. You can learn more about this database at ...
In December 1939 a Judenrat, headed by Josef Diamant, was established, and from 1 April 1941, a Jewish Order service created, headed by Joachim Geiger, who had previously been in charge of the provision of Jewish forced labour in the city.The Radom Judenrat also served as the main Judenrat (Oberjudenrat) for the entire Radom district.On 1 July 1940, all property of the Jews in …
Scope and Content. Contains 14,147 personal files of prisoners in the Radom prison imprisoned during 1939-1944. Files contain the following information: the prisioner's name, and the father name, the mother maiden name, the date and place of birth, the last domicile, the date and reason of imprisonment, prisoner’s fate.
Im Hauptquartier der deutschen Wehrmacht, 1939-1945: Grundlagen, Formen, Gestalten. Walter Warlimont. Bernard & Graefe, 1962 - World War, 1939-1945 - 570 pages. 0 Reviews. From inside the book . What people are saying - Write a review. We …
100 Raoul Wallenberg Place, SW Washington, DC 20024-2126 Main telephone: 202.488.0400 TTY: 202.488.0406
Wiezienie w Radomiu (Sygn. 417) Contains 14,147 personal files of prisoners in the Radom prison imprisoned during 1939-1944. Files contain the following information: the prisioner's name, and the father name, the mother maiden name, the date and place of birth, the last domicile, the date and reason of imprisonment, prisoner’s fate.
The Polizei-Regiment Radom was formed in November 1939 and was used to form SS-Polizei-Regiment 24 in July 1942. ... Nov 1939 - ? Nov 1940) Generalmajor der Polizei Paul Worm (? Oct 1940 - ? June 1942) Order of battle (1941) Polizei-Bataillon Radom Polizei-Bataillon Czenstochau Polizei-Bataillon Kielce An armored car company was attached to the ...
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