Suchen Sie nach Informationen zu Hauptquartier Desertoperations? Folgen Sie den Links unten, um alle Informationen zu finden, die Sie benötigen, und mehr.
Aus Desert Operations Wiki. Wechseln zu: Navigation, Suche. Das Hauptquartier. Das Hauptquartier ist der Dreh- und Angelpunkt Deiner Basis. Von hier aus kannst Du Deine Flotten koordinieren und hast Zugriff auf weitere wichtige Funktionen des Spiels. Je weiter Du dieses Gebäude ausbaust, desto mehr Funktionen und Forschungsmöglichkeiten ...
Desert Operations. Desert Operations is a free military strategy game, where you can face thousands of other players for combat or trade. Rushing your enemy with a great number of troops will not be enough, when you'll need tactics and strategy for the bigger picture. As a Commander, you'll be in charge of 30 buildings and over 50 ground, air and sea units.
Desert Operations. Desert Operations is a free trading and military strategy game, where you can face thousands of other players. Within this browser game not only the number of troops will decide whether you will be victorious but also tactics and strategy have a major impact. In your role as General, you are in command of 30 buildings and over 50 ground,air, and sea units.
The war isn't over until you won. Join thousands of players from all over the world in this legendary free MMO. Experience the thrill of massive victories, participation in alliance wars and access to precious resources that your military supremacy depends on. Take part in constant challenges, dedicated events and non stop action in one of the ...
Join thousands of players from all over the world in this legendary free MMO. Experience the thrill of massive victories, participation in alliance wars and access to precious resources that your military supremacy depends on. Take part in constant challenges, dedicated events and non stop action in one of the most acclaimed browser strategy games.
Units. From Desert Operations Wiki. Jump to: navigation, search. Leopard 2. To be able to build units, you will need the required Buildings and Research. Soldiers will not use any raw materials. The Kerosene is used for the tanks, planes and ships. These units can …
Kommandant, im Hauptquartier wird ein Geheimnis gelüftet! Wir haben Informationen über einen gefährlichen Verräter in unserer Mitte erhalten! 茶 Kannst du uns helfen, seine Identität zu …
Rat nije gotov sve dok te je osvojio! Pridružite se tisućama igrača iz cijelog svijeta u ovom legendarnom slobodnom MMO. Iskusite uzbuđenje masivne pobjede, sudjelovanje u savez ratovima i pristupu dragocjenih resursa koji je vaš vojnu premoć ovisi. Sudjelujte u stalnim izazovima, posvećenim događajima i neprestanoj akciji u jednoj od ...
Desert Operations (US-EN). 3,694 likes · 4 talking about this. Desert Operations - English region Official Page.
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