Suchen Sie nach Informationen zu Hauptquartier Der EPA-Region 8? Folgen Sie den Links unten, um alle Informationen zu finden, die Sie benötigen, und mehr.

EPA Region 8 (Mountains and Plains) | US EPA
    Contact Region 8 303-312-6312 or in the Region 8 states 800-227-8917; Español: 202-564-9924; Criminal Investigation Division: 303-312-6134 (24-hour hotline) TTY Call-in Line: 800-439-2370 EPA Business Partner, Mass Relay (sign language interpreters, access needs) EPA Hotlines (Nationwide) Organization Chart; Region 8 Administrator; Region 8 Laboratory; …

Contact EPA's Region 8 Office | US EPA
    EPA Downtown Denver Office US EPA, Region 8 1595 Wynkoop Street Denver, CO 80202-1129 303-312-6312 800-227-8917 (toll free Region 8 states only: CO, MT, ND, SD, UT, WY) • Español: 202-564-9924. EPA Region 8 Laboratory Services and Applied Sciences Division Denver Federal Center, Building 25 Lakewood, CO 80225. By email:

Visiting EPA's Region 8 Office in Denver | US EPA

EPA Region 8 Headquarters | ENERGY STAR Buildings …
    Denver, CO 80202. It should come as no surprise that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency designed its Region 8 Headquarters with energy efficiency in mind. From the onset, this building was designed to operate as a demonstration of the core values that the agency seeks to foster. After EPA Region 8 outgrew its previous office building, several teams were established by the …

Region 8 Tribal Affairs Branch | US EPA
    Tribal Consultation Procedures for Region 8. Under the EPA Policy on Consultation and Coordination with Indian Tribes, EPA consults on a government‐to‐government basis with federally recognized tribes. For more specific guidelines on consultation with tribes in Region 8, contact Kimberly Varilek at 303-312-6264.

EPA Region 8 Headquarters (Denver, CO) | GSA
    Materials and Resources. Appropriate facilities for recycling have been provided. 76.94% of project construction waste was diverted from the landfill. The project has achieved a combined recycled content value of 30.01% of the total materials. 50% of the total project’s materials, based on cost, were manufactured within 500 miles of the project.

EPA Region 8 (Mountains and Plains) | About EPA | US EPA
    US EPA, Region 8 1595 Wynkoop Street Denver, CO 80202-1129 303-312-6312 800-227-8917 (Region 8 states only) EPA Montana Operations Office Federal Building 10 West 15th Street, Suite 3200 Helena, MT 59626 406-457-5000 866-457-2690 (toll free) EPA Regional Laboratory 16194 West 45th Drive Golden, Colorado 80403 303-312-7700

EPA Region 8 Headquarters / ZGF Architects - ArchDaily
    The new Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Region 8 Headquarters building sits on an urban brownfield that formerly housed a U.S. Postal Annex. This LEED Gold rated design is the result of a ...

Organization Chart for EPA's Region 8 Office
    Deb Thomas, Deputy Regional Administrator. Biography. Phone: (303) 312-6298. Mail Code: R08 | EPA Mailing Addresses. EPA’s Region 8 office includes: Office of Communications and Public Involvement. Technical and Management Services. Ecosystems Protection and Remediation. Enforcement, Compliance and Environmental Justice.

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