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Gatehouse reconstruction from ancient Babylon. A gatehouse is a type of fortified gateway, an entry control point building, enclosing or accompanying a gateway for a town, religious house, castle, manor house, or other fortification building of importance. Gatehouses are typically the most heavily armed section of a fortification, to compensate ...
In quantum computing and specifically the quantum circuit model of computation, a quantum logic gate (or simply quantum gate) is a basic quantum circuit operating on a small number of qubits. They are the building blocks of quantum circuits, like classical logic gates are for conventional digital circuits.
A gate tower ( German: Torturm) is a tower built over or next to a major gateway. [1] Usually it is part of a medieval fortification. This may be a town or city wall, fortress, castle or castle chapel. The gate tower may be built as a twin tower on either side of an entranceway.
A gate or gateway is a point of entry to or from a space enclosed by walls. The word derived from old Norse "gat" [1] meaning road or path; But other terms include yett and port. The concept originally referred to the gap or hole in the wall or fence, rather than a barrier which closed it.
It also allows professionals to share the associated gate code with vendors they trust. The purpose of and its associated iOS and Android mobile apps is to reduce the time professionals spend at gate. It has in no way been created to circumvent the perceived security of keyed gates, or to distribute gate codes to unauthorized ...
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