Suchen Sie nach Informationen zu Führung Durch Den Hauptsitz Des Cirque Du Soleil In Montreal? Folgen Sie den Links unten, um alle Informationen zu finden, die Sie benötigen, und mehr.

Discover Our Creative Headquarters | Cirque du Soleil
    Though Cirque du Soleil now puts on shows across the globe, we have not forgotten our Quebec roots! Our International Headquarters is located in Montreal; a laboratory of imagination filled with the world’s best creative minds, craftspeople, and experts in all fields related to the arts. This unique creative environment allows artists and ...

Hauptsitz des Cirque du Soleil - German - GFC
    Die Lobby im Hauptsitz des Cirque du Soleil in Montreal verfügt über einen erhöhten runden Sitzbereich mit unseren modularen Nova C-Bänken

Shows in Montreal | Cirque du Soleil
    Montreal. Recognized over the world, Cirque du Soleil has constantly sought to invoke imagination, provoke senses and evoke emotions. Discover the highly creative and artistic shows from Cirque du Soleil in your city: Montreal. Get more information about us and buy tickets for shows at Montreal!

Tour of Cirque du Soleil International Headquarters - the Roarbots
    On a recent trip to Montreal, which is Cirque du Soleil’s hometown, we were fortunate enough to be invited to tour the organization’s international headquarters. Built in 1997, expanded twice in 2001 and 2007, and housing some 1,400 full-time employees, the building is not open for public tours. This made the private tour given to the ...

Cirque Du Soleil Montreal Tickets | Live in 2022!
    Quebec's own Cirque du Soleil is back at the province's largest city through August 2022, and tickets for all upcoming performances are on sale now! Hosted Under The White Big Top at Old Port Of Montreal, this massive Cirque du Soleil Montreal engagement is your chance to experience the magic, the whimsy, and the wonder of the company's new "Kooza" show, a mind …

Cirque du Soleil celebrates its return to the Old Port of …
    MONTREAL, May 19, 2022 – The atmosphere was at its peak under the Big Top last night for the return of Cirque du Soleil in the Old Port of Montreal. It was with great excitement, enthusiasm and emotion that many personalities from different backgrounds attended the premiere of KOOZA, presented by Sun Life Global Investments. With over 120,000 …

Cirque du Soleil Montreal - Montreal’s Best Places
    The circus performs under the Grand Chapiteau at the Old Port of Montreal. It can be found at the Quai Jacques-Cartier. The Grand Chapiteau is a big-top-style circus tent. Peaks in the tent are supported by beams which creates a castle-like effect from the outside.

Cirque du Soleil: Zu Besuch im Hauptquartier des …
    Im Herzen des Cirque. Der Cirque du Soleil ist der grösste Zirkus der Welt und ein Milliardenunternehmen. Im Hauptquartier in Montreal arbeiten 1500 Menschen am Spektakel – dem Besucher wird ...

Cirque du Soleil - Old Port of Montréal
    KOOZA is a show that blends, almost to perfection, its subcontinental sounds, its stunning lighting and costumes with theatrical ingenuity and acrobatic wonder - THE INDEPENDENT, LONDON. Contacts. For any question, please directly contact the Cirque du soleil: E-mail: [email protected]. Phone: 1 877 924-7783. BUY TICKETS. Back.

Cirque du Soleil - Vieux Port de Montréal
    KOOZA fusionne – presque à la perfection – une ambiance sonore subcontinentale, des éclairages et des costumes époustouflants, des merveilles d’acrobatie et un grand génie théâtral. - THE INDEPENDENT, LONDON. Contacts. Pour toute question, contactez directement le Cirque du soleil : Courriel : [email protected].

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