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Working At FoldiMate: Employee Reviews and Culture
    FoldiMate folds like an expert and stacks laundry automatically. With FoldiMate, it's like having a friend who's always there to help out with folding your shirts, pants, towels and …

Take the Work Out of Laundry Folding - FoldiMate
    FoldiMate is like having a friend who loves laundry folding. It is so simple to use your kids will be fighting over who is folding laundry.

Foldimate Finally Shows Off A Working Clothes Folding …
    We featured the Foldimate two years ago, back when it was in the prototype stages and far from ready to get into people’s homes. …

FoldiMate Revenue - Zippia
    FoldiMate revenue is $3.5M annually. After extensive research and analysis, Zippia's data science team found the following key financial metrics. FoldiMate has 35 …

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