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Esprit country and regional offices. Europe & Baltics — Helsinki. t +358 9 41 700 700. France — Boulogne-Billancourt ... t +33 1 47 79 10 00. Germany — Ratingen (Global Headquarters) t +49 2102 1230. Italy — Milan. t +39 02 8188171. Poland — Warsaw. t +48 22 201 49 98. Scandinavia (Denmark, Sweden, Norway) — Copenhagen. t +45 32 ...
Asian Headquarters. 27/F, China United Centre. 28 Marble Road. North Point, Hong Kong. Inquirie. Topics*. Select OneEsprit FriendseshopPressCareerWebmasterOther. Liebe/r Besucher/in, Informationen zum Online-Shopping, finden Sie in unserem Shop. Liebe/r Besucher/in, Informationen zu „Esprit Friends” finden Sie in unserem Shop.
Esprit is present in over 40 countries with 586 Retail Stores and more than 5,482 Wholesale locations around the world, each one sharing our quality standards and brand essence. Esprit’s Headquarters is based in Ratingen, Germany (near Düsseldorf), and our company has been listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange since 1993.
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