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English words for Hauptquartier include headquarters, operations room, headquarter, general headquarters and head quarter. Find more German words at!
epochē, in Greek philosophy, “suspension of judgment,” a principle originally espoused by nondogmatic philosophical Skeptics of the ancient Greek Academy who, viewing the problem of knowledge as insoluble, proposed that, when controversy arises, an attitude of noninvolvement should be adopted in order to gain peace of mind for daily living. The term was employed in the …
Theodore George, Editor. Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy considers the history and tradition of philosophy to be an essential part of contemporary philosophical discourse. Open to all areas and thematics arising out of the history of philosophy, Epoché welcomes articles that take up historical, critical, and deconstructive ...
epoche: [noun] suspension of judgment:. the act of refraining from any conclusion for or against anything as the decisive step for the attainment of ataraxy. the methodological attitude of phenomenology in which one refrains from judging whether anything exists or can exist as the first step in the phenomenological recognition, comprehension, ...
von der Epoche und Spielfortschritt aufgewertet. ... Um das Hauptquartier zu bauen, öffnet ihr eure Finanzübersicht, in dem ihr unten links auf KONTO klickt. Anschließend auf den Reiter HAUPTQUARTIER. Hier seht ihr unter anderem auch eure aktuelle Punktzahl, die noch entscheidend für die Aufwertung eures
Das Aufwerten des Hauptquartieres hängt von euren Punkten im Spiel und der Epoche ab. Es gibt fünf unterschiedliche Ausbaustufen des Hauptquartiers: Stufe 1: Erfordert 0-10 Punkte. Stufe 2: Erfordert 11-25 Punkte. Stufe 3: Erfordert 26-50 Punkte. Jedoch frühestens ab 1920 verfügbar.
Harrison Hall believes that epoché means “to set aside or abstain from questions of reference so as to focus on meaning .” 1 According to Aron Gurwitsch, its concern is “with objects as meant and intended.” 2 For Jacques Derrida, it entails even “the reduction of constituted eidetics and then of its own language.” 3 Indeed, for ...
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