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Environmental Protection Agency. 1200 Pennsylvania Ave, N.W. Washington, DC 20460. View a map of EPA's Federal Triangle campus. If you are coming by taxi, most taxi drivers will know where to go if you say "EPA at Federal Triangle" or "EPA at Twelfth and Pennsylvania."
Arlington, Virginia. 312,460 rentable square feet (RSF) Energy Intensity: FY 2020: 54,903 Btu per RSF. Water Intensity: FY 2020: 7.42 gallons per RSF. EPA’s Office of Research and Development, Office of Land and Emergency Management, and Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention are located in the Potomac Yard One building.
EPA's headquarters offices are located in: the Federal Triangle area of downtown Washington D.C., Crystal City, Virginia (D.C. area), and. Research Triangle Park, North Carolina. EPA also conducts work in 10 regional offices headquartered in Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Atlanta, Chicago, Dallas, Kansas City, Denver, San Francisco, and Seattle.
Under Section 309 (g) of the Clean Water Act, 33 U.S.C. § 1319 (g), the EPA is authorized to issue orders assessing civil penalties for various violations of the Clean Water Act. The EPA may issue such orders after filing a Complaint commencing either a Class I or Class II penalty proceeding. The EPA provides notice of the proposed assessment ...
Research Triangle Park, NC 27711. (919) 541-4219. US EPA Center for Environmental Measurement and Modeling (CEMM) - main office. Mail Code: D305-01. Research Triangle Park, NC 27711. (919) 541-2106. CEMM Air Methods and Characterization Division. Mail Code: E343-04. Research Triangle Park, NC 27711.
1200 Pennsylvania Ave, N.W. Washington, DC 20460. View a map of EPA's Federal Triangle campus. If you are coming by taxi, most taxi drivers will know where to go if you say "EPA at Federal Triangle" or "EPA at Twelfth and Pennsylvania."
EPA Organization Chart Office of the Administrator (AO) 202-564-4700 About the Office of the Administrator ... Region 7 / Kansas City. Serving IA, KS, MO, and NE 913-551-7003 About Region 7 Region 7 Organization Chart. Region 8 / Denver. Serving CO, MT, ND, SD, UT, and WY 303-312-6312
What We Do. EPA Region 7 protects human health and the environment in our nation’s Heartland. Our ecosystems are numerous and the range is broad, encompassing the Sandhills of Nebraska, Flint Hills of Kansas, winding Missouri and Mississippi rivers, prairies and plains of Iowa, and forests and delta of Missouri, not to mention all of the rich agricultural …
ORA is responsible for planning, programming, implementation, control, and direction of technical and administrative aspects of Region 2 programs and activities. ORA provides technical oversight of the Region’s Equal Employment Opportunity Program. Additionally, the Region's Office of Public Affairs and the Special Programs Office are housed ...
EPA's Region 7 includes: Air and Radiation Division. Enforcement and Compliance Assurance Division. Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division. Land, Chemicals and Redevelopment Division. Mission Support Division. Office of Regional Counsel. Superfund and Emergency Management Division. Water Division.
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