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ENI Headquarters Competition An elegant atrium acts as an extension of the natural landscape, bringing light, air, and greenery into the office environment. Situated within the heart of the dynamic business district of Metanopoli, in San Donato Milanese, this …
Studio Transit. By Francesco Pagliari - 1 October 2020. 14 Shares. The buildings of the new headquarters of ENI - a multinational oil and gas company specializing in prospecting, extracting, refining, and distribution, and with interests in other industrial sectors - complete the “Europarco” section of Rome’s EUR district, characterized by large commercial, administrative and …
ENI Headquarters Competition. San Donato Milanese, Italy. 2011. ... Having a screen barrier using this sustainable product will reduce CO2 levels from Viale de Gasperi traffic. The architectural parti for the CDe&p building is six blocks connected by a central spine. The architectural intent is to compose a transparent, translucent and a solid ...
Competition for the new ENI Headquarters in San Donato Milanese, Milan, Italy February-September 2011 The project is located in the former industrial complex of Metanopoli, the first settlement of ENI and placed in San Donato Milanese, Milan, Northern Italy. The new intervention aims at establishing a functional, dynamic, communicative and ...
The new Eni headquarters is located in its former industrial complex in San Donato, Milan. Work of American firm Morphosis, it includes three buildings that are strongly characterized by the surfaces of their facades and connected to each other via bridges built around the square — the symbolic heart of the design.
ENI HEADQUARTERS. The buildings of the new Eni Directional Center emerge from the landscape as an urban island. They are arranged around a central square and overlook everyday activities, atria, conference center and staff restaurant through floor to ceiling windows. Connected by skyways, the three main buildings integrate the complex with the city establishing a strong …
Through Eni USA R&M Co. Inc., also known as Eni USA and set up in 1987 as American Agip, we produce and sell lubricants made in North America, mainly in the Eastern United States and in Texas, but also in the Canadian provinces of Quebec and Ontario. The portfolio of products includes lubricants for both traction and industrial applications. We have a production plant in …
Eni in Deutschland – eine Erfolgsgeschichte mit Zukunft. Eni ist seit 1960 auf dem deutschen Markt präsent und in den Geschäftsfeldern Refining &. Marketing sowie Petrochemie tätig. Die 100%ige Tochter Eni Deutschland GmbH ist eine der. führenden Mineralölgesellschaften in …
MILANO | Metanopoli | Sesto Palazzo Uffici ENI (Morphosis Architects + Nemesi & Partners) |U/C
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