Suchen Sie nach Informationen zu Dorfhauptquartier Stufe 30? Folgen Sie den Links unten, um alle Informationen zu finden, die Sie benötigen, und mehr.
I always get such "Kill xx fishes", "Eat xx humans" story quests being stuck at level 30 and not able to crush any elder gates. Hopefully the quest to fight Scaly Pete arrives anytime soon. These fetch quests are annoying. Also the invisible walls on land are an unforgiveable crime. No game developer should use invisible walls.
30-30 – Wetlands. 1) In the Inn, turn in “The Doomed Fleet”, accept Lightforge Iron . Accept James Hyal. 2) At the 12.64 turn in “Lightforge Iron”, accept The Lost Ingots. 3) Do it around, kill Bluegill Raiders. 4) Return to Tavern and turn in “The Lost Ingots”, accept the next part. 5) Take boat to Darkshore. 6) Fly to Ashenvale.
Hier ist eine Lösung innerhalb von 18 Runden für 3 Sterne im Kampftrainingsplatz Stufe 30. Viel Glück beim Beschwören! //Verpasse keinen Live-Stream (Immer D...
Yes. Just talk to the trainer. The spell will be moved from 40 to 30. Same with warlocks. Level 40 mount quests were removed with BC. "'You'll die,' he yelled, 'you'll die as a whore. You belongs to the gallows.'". burningsmurfs 13 years ago #3. when it was 40 you just bought it at your trainer, so i'd imagine its the same.
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