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The Office of Environment, Health, Safety and Security, Office of Analysis provides analysis of Department of Energy-wide safety performance in protecting the public, the workers and the environment while performing the missions of DOE. The most recent quarterly analysis of safety performance conducted by the Office of Analysis is provided below. Strategic Safety Goals; …
The Office of Environment, Health, Safety and Security (EHSS) manages corporate reporting databases and provides analysis of DOE-wide performance in protecting the public, the workers and the environment while performing the missions of DOE. EHSS manages a number of viable safety indicators applicable to most DOE contractor operations that provide Departmental …
The Office of Corporate Security Strategy catalyzes a comprehensive protection strategy throughout the Department of Energy (DOE) and Other Government Agency (OGA) security communities. Advocate and facilitate a collaborative, enterprise approach to security. Manage operations designed to protect the Secretary.
DOE’s corporate safety reporting and analysis programs and activities are established to manage a number of viable safety indicators applicable to most DOE contractor operations that provide Departmental leadership, line management, and stakeholders with timely information to gauge the success of Departmental safety program implementation. DOE operational and occurrence …
The revised directive DOE O 210.2A, DOE Corporate Operating Experience Program, replaces the former Special Operations Reports, Safety Alerts, Safety Bulletins, and Safety Advisories with Operating Experience Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3 documents. The content of the Safety Alert and the Safety Bulletin were merged into the Operating Experience Level 2 …
EHSS is the DOE’s central organization responsible for health, safety, environment, and security; providing corporate-level leadership and strategic vision to coordinate and integrate these vital programs. EHSS is responsible for policy development and technical assistance; safety analysis; and corporate safety and security programs.
Fire Protection Database Reports: In 2007, a new fire protection reporting system was designed by the Office of Corporate Safety Analysis and implemented across the DOE complex. This new process allows sites to submit their fire protection information on a real-time basis versus the submittal of an annual fire protection summary as was provided in the past.
Definition. A documented analysis of the extent to which a nuclear facility can be operated safely with respect to workers, the public, and the environment, including a description of the conditions, safe boundaries, and hazard controls that provide the basis for ensuring safety. Source. DOE O 426.2 Chg 1 (Admin Chg), Personnel Selection, Training, Qualification, and …
The Corporate Safety Performance (CSP) Dashboard establishes a set of strategic ES&H metrics of high importance and fundamental interest for use by DOE management. The metrics are data that is already collected and available to the DOE community. The 10-15 ES&H metrics in the CSP are based on user experience and DOE customer input.
This Department of Energy (DOE) Accident and Operational Safety Analysis Handbook was prepared under the sponsorship of the DOE Office of Health Safety and Security (HSS), Office of Corporate Safety Programs, and the Energy Facility Contractors Operating Group (EFCOG), Industrial Hygiene and Safety Sub-group of the Environmental Health and Safety Working Group.
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