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Basically, a de facto corporation is a company that is recognized as a corporation by the state, even though the company has failed to file the required Articles of Incorporation. Three basic requirements must be met before a company will gain the status of a de facto corporation: The state must have a relevant statute related to incorporation.
A de facto corporation is:. A company that has not respected the filing requirements (example: issues with its articles of incorporation or certificate of incorporation) but is recognized as a corporation by the state; A company that has not completed its incorporation process but is carrying out business just like a corporation ; A company suspended or …
De Facto Officer Law and Legal Definition De Facto Officer refers to an officer holding a colorable right or title to the office accompanied by possession. The lawful acts of an officer de facto, so far as the rights of third persons are concerned, when done within the scope and by the apparent authority of office, are valid and binding.
De Facto Corporation Definition Legal recognition of a corporation, even if the articles of incorporation for a corporation are not properly filed. To be granted de facto corporation status, there must be: a relevant incorporation statute, a good faith attempt to comply with it, and evidence that the business is being run as corporation. See also
In other words, a de facto corporation is a business that fell short of complying with the laws or following the process towards registering as a corporation, but could still become a corporation if those errors were fixed.
THE DE FACTO OFFICER DOCTRINE For over five hundred years,1 courts have used the de facto officer doctrine to immunize from attack by private parties the validity of certain acts of public officers who exercise "'the duties of an office under color of an appointment or election to that office' "2 but whose lawful and legal title or
A de facto officer is defined as one who, under color of authority, exercises a corporate office. H. Henn, Handbook of the Law of Corporations 222 (2d ed. 1970). The underlying policy for the doctrine of de facto officers is the protection of the interests of the public and individuals dealing with such “officers.”
De facto corporation and corporation by estoppel are both terms that are used by courts in most common law jurisdictions to describe circumstances in which a business organization that has failed to become a de jure corporation (a corporation by law) will nonetheless be treated as a corporation, thereby shielding shareholders from liability.
The plaintiff corporation conceded that neither its board of directors nor anyone else authorized to do so by its bylaws appointed the defendant to serve as its Chief Technology Officer or any other executive position. Nonetheless, the plaintiff argued that the defendant owed it a fiduciary duty as a de facto officer.
This indicates that there is some degree of legal recognition of a corporation, even though its articles of incorporation may not have been filed correctly. To be considered a “de facto” corporation, the parties who tried to establish it must have acted in good faith and must be running their business as a corporation.
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