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The Three Basic Types of Fiduciary Duties. Most states, including California, maintain three basic fiduciary duties. 1) Duty of Care – directors and officers must use care and be diligent when making decisions on behalf of the corporation and its shareholders (who are the true owners of the corporation). Directors and officers meet their duty ...
The duty of care is a fiduciary duty requiring directors and/or officers of a corporation to make decisions that pursue the corporation’s interests with reasonable diligence and prudence. This fiduciary duty is owed by directors and officers to the corporation, not the corporation’s stakeholders or broader society.
The duty of care is a fiduciary duty requiring directors and/or officers of a corporation to make decisions that pursue the corporation’s interests with reasonable diligence and prudence. This fiduciary duty is owed by directors and officers to the corporation, not the corporation’s stakeholders or broader society.
The duty of care requires that corporate officers act in ways that are in the best interests of the corporation. The officer must conduct business in a way that a similarly situated, ordinary prudent person would, and actions must be taken in good faith. This generally means that the officer cannot act negligently in performing her duties.
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