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    Get a centralized view of your shipments and access to all the relevant information online (including all your documents) and act according to your shipment lifecycle. Handle your documents Document Dashboard See all your documents and check their status on a single dashboard, including Booking Confirmation, Bill of Lading, Delivery Order and more!

CNC | Regulate your environmental footprint with POSITIVE OFFSET
    CMA CGM group expands environmental projects portfolio in its POSITIVE OFFSET offering. POSITIVE OFFSET, part of ACT with CMA CGM+, now allows our customers to offset their carbon emissions through a portfolio of environmental projects. Thursday, April 21, 2022.

What Is A CNC Machine? | CNC Machines
    The History of CNC Machines John T. Parsons (1913-2007) of Parsons Corporation in Traverse City, MI is considered the pioneer of the numerical control, the precursor to the modern CNC machine. For his work, John Parsons has been called the father of the 2nd industrial revolution.

What is CNC? The Complete CNC Guide - CNCSourced
    CNC, or Computer Numerical Control, encompasses the manufacturing process where machines cut, carve and form parts based on computer codes that control the cutting tool’s speed and movement. These machines cut metals, wood, foam, composites, plastics and more into precise parts with uses in almost every industry.

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