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Carl DeMaio serves as Chairman of Reform California – a grassroots organization that advocates for transparency and accountability reforms in state and local government while mounting campaigns to defeat unfair and unnecessary tax hikes.. DeMaio also hosts his daily radio show on NewsRadio 600-KOGO 3-6pm – where he uses his media platform to inform, …
May 3, 2022. The 2022 California Primary Election will be held June 7, 2022 and this year’s primary ballot is REALLY long! With a bunch of confusing ballot measures and hundreds of candidates running for office, voters can feel overwhelmed and lost. Fortunately, Carl DeMaio and the team at Reform California have thoroughly researched and ...
DeMaio war ein Kandidat für das Amt des Bürgermeisters von San Diego bei der Wahl 2012, verlor aber gegen den ehemaligen Kongressabgeordneten Bob Filner. Er kandidierte für Kaliforniens 52. Kongresswahlen 2014, verlor aber knapp gegen Amtsinhaber Scott Peters. Am 5. August 2019 kündigte DeMaio an, für den Kongress 2020 zu kandidieren, um ...
Carl DeMaio. Former San Diego city councilman and lifelong entrepreneur Carl DeMaio is now tackling state-wide fiscal reform policy. While on the City Council, DeMaio led the effort to cut red tape on small businesses, reform the city’s contracting processes to expedite infrastructure projects, and enact some of the toughest “Sunshine Law ...
Carl DeMaio (* 14.September 1974 in Dubuque, Iowa) ist ein US-amerikanischer Politiker der Republikanischen Partei.. Leben. DeMaio besuchte die St. Catherine's Academy in Anaheim, Kalifornien.Er studierte an der Georgetown University Politik- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften. 2002 zog DeMaio nach San Diego. Von Dezember 2008 bis Dezember 2012 war DeMaio …
October 20, 2020. The 2020 California General Election ballot is REALLY long and confusing – and over 240 tax hikes have been placed on the ballot this cycle. Worse, politicians have even deceptively worded several ballot measures to hide the tax hikes and other bad policies! Fortunately, Carl DeMaio reviews all ballot measures and candidates ...
The DeMaio Report with Carl DeMaio. Prop 28 Adds a Costly Earmark to CA’s Troubled State Budget: Vote No Jul 20, 2022. Prop 29 Increases the Cost of Kidney Dialysis: Vote No Jul 19, 2022. Chula Vista CA Proposes to Let Illegal Immigrants Serve on City Commissions Jul 15, 2022. Prop 31 Limits Consumer Freedom with a Flavored Tobacco Ban: Vote ...
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