Suchen Sie nach Informationen zu Amerikanisches Hauptquartier Der Aetherius Society? Folgen Sie den Links unten, um alle Informationen zu finden, die Sie benötigen, und mehr.,
Aetherius Society American Headquarters Aetherius Society. “Co-operating with the Gods from Space”. Founded by Master of Yoga …
The Aetherius Society was started in 1955 by Master of Yoga Dr. George King to spread and act upon unique cosmic teachings given to Earth by highly-evolved alien intelligences we refer to as Cosmic Masters. Our purpose is to help as many people as possible to prepare themselves for the coming New Age.
The Aetherius Society has centers around the world with Headquarters in London, UK, and Los Angeles, USA. Find a center near you.
The Aetherius Society, founded by Master of Yoga Dr. George King is no different. In fact, it is part of our aims and objectives “to form a brotherhood based on the teachings and knowledge of the Cosmic Masters.”. This aim was one of the first seven aims and objectives, which were dictated by the Ascended Master Saint Goo-Ling in the 1950s.
The Aetherius Society is an international spiritual organization dedicated to spreading, and acting upon, the teachings of advanced extraterrestrial intelligences. Dr. George King – founder of The Aetherius Society. In great compassion, these beings recognize the extent of suffering on Earth and have made countless sacrifices in their mission ...
Do local business owners recommend The Aetherius Society, American Headquarters? Visit this page to learn about the business and what locals in Hollywood have to say. Community Home Blog SMB Trust Index Coronavirus Resources Join Today! Sign in Join Ernesto and 7+ million other Small Business Owners ...
Überblick. Die Aetherius Society ist eine weltweite geistliche Bruderschaft, die sich der Rettung und Erleuchtung der Menschheit widmet. Die Gesellschaft wurde im Jahre 1955 von dem verstorbenen westlichen YogaMeister, George King gegründet. Der Hauptteil der Lehren der Gesellschaft besteht aus der Weisheit, die durch die Yoga-Medialität von ...
The Aetherius Society is probably the best-known and -organized flying-saucer religion. It was founded by George King, who in May 1954 received a command from interplanetary sources to become “the Voice of Interplanetary Parliament.”. Since then, he continually received trance messages and/or telepathic communications from various beings ...
The Aetherius Society was visualized into being by a prominent master of the Spiritual Hierarchy of Earth known as Saint Goo-Ling. It was then manifested on the physical plane of Earth by Dr. King. The Society is regarded by advanced alien intelligences, known as cosmic masters, as the 'Master Cog' in their Cosmic Plan for the salvation and ...
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