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WIPO Contact Center. Tel: +41 22 338 9111; Opening hours: 09:00 - 18:00 (CET) I need to send a fax Central fax number +41 22 733 5428; Outside of Geneva working hours, calls will be automatically redirected to one of our external offices. WIPO official holidays; Tools. Contact Us; …
Arbitration and Mediation Center Geneva. 34, chemin des Colombettes. P.O. Box 18. 1211 Geneva 20. Switzerland. T +4122 338 8247 or +41 800 888 549 (Free line within Switzerland) F +4122 740 3700 or +41 800 888 550 (Free line within Switzerland)
10117 Berlin. Mailing address: 11015 Berlin. Telephone. (49 30) 30 18 58 00. Telefax. (49 30) 49 30 18 580 - 9525. E-mail address. [email protected].
Connecting with WIPO. 34, chemin des Colombettes CH-1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland. Visit Us | Contact Us. Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Instagram YouTube Flickr Podcasts Newsletters RSS. All about WIPO. Tools. ... Mr. Dr C.B. van der Net: Industrial Property Offices. Competent administration: Bureau for Intellectual Property of Curaçao: Web site ...
Mailing address: 11015 Berlin. Telephone. (49 30) 30 18 58 00. Telefax. (49 30) 49 30 18 580 - 9525. E-mail address. [email protected]. Title and name of head.
WIPO’s COVID-19 Related Services and Support. Learn about our measures to help member states deal with the pandemic and leverage IP to support creativity, innovation and the entrepreneurship needed for job creation, investment, enterprise growth and socio-economic development.
Stauffacherstrasse 65/59g. CH-3003 Berne. Telephone. +41 31 377 77 77. E-mail address. [email protected]. Title and name of head. Director/Directrice: Dr. Catherine Chammartin. Deputy Director/ Directeur suppléant : Dr. Felix Addor.
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WIPO external offices bring our services and cooperation closer to our member states, stakeholders and partners. They provide cost-effective support services in relation to the PCT, Madrid and Hague systems; arbitration and mediation; collective management; and development and capacity building.
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